Monday, August 14, 2017

CFP for LASA 2018 (Barcelona): Panel on Art and the transnational memory of the dictatorships in South America

Artistic remembrance is an important part of the memorialization of the dictatorial past. This panel seeks to bring together scholars working on different types of artistic renderings of the past in South America in the aftermath of dictatorships. When dictatorships end, artists continue to discuss the past and question issues that are interesting for the organization of the memory of suffering. We invite proposals that analyze specific cases of artists, different types of political art, with a focus on visual arts. We want to investigate the diversity of approaches of artistic remembrance, from the documentation of the past beyond the official gaze, to the challenging of the continuity in the public life of the perpetrators.

Please send 250 words abstracts by September the 3rd in English or Spanish to Caterina Preda at Caterina Preda holds a PhD in Political Science and is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science University of Bucharest.

Arte y la memoria transnacional de las dictaduras en América del sur
La memoria artística es una parte importante del proceso de memorialización del pasado dictatorial. Este panel quiere reunir investigadores que trabajan con diferentes tipos de representaciones del pasado en América del sur después de la dictaduras. Cuando las dictaduras terminan, los artistas continúan de hablar sobre el pasado y de cuestionar temas que son interesantes para la gestión de la memoria del sufrimiento. Invitamos ponencias que analizan casos específicos de artistas, diferentes tipos de arte político con un enfoque en los artes visuales. Queremos investigar la diversidad de enfoques de la memoria artística, de la documentación del pasado más allá de la mirada oficial, a la confrontación de la continuidad en la vida publica de los torturadores.

João Pina, Condor


1 comment:

TameAMorning said...

I just wanted to know if you know anything about these names for Romania historically: Morcala, Ghanala, Mernala, Renela, Laka, Bala, Ghena, Ghenala, Ginser, The Gitsers, Miss Lock, Senser Inter, Ola , Molak, Enela, Onala, Lava, Merlina, Sennela, Inkener, Morkala, Ursala, Sernala, Merka, Versse, Genersen. They're from something called Romania Underground Lockers. I can't find any more information about it. If not thanks anyway.