Ion Barladeanu is an artist discovered a few years ago by a Bucharest based gallery owner, Dan Popescu from H'Arta gallery. His story seems amazing and I found out about him reading the newspaper; I was fascinated by the images published by the H'Arta gallery website. He is not a professional artist in the consecrated sense, still he creates art. At a time when the Romanian state still dedicates important resources to the education, promotion and exhibition of state-sponsored artists, one can be but dazzled by the output of such a policy inherited from the communist regime and that was not really questioned after 1989. My opinion is that it does not belong to the state, to the political to decide who is an artist and must be encouraged to create. Private interests should articulate the arts.
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sunt de acord 100% cu ceea ce spui. Ce este de fapt acest minister al culturii? Vad ca vii dintr-o perspectiva a unui spirit liber. Nu statul este taticul nostru. Acesta nu este responsabil de prosperitatea si fericirea mea.Ion Barladeanu este un exemplu bun. Liberatea poate fi vanduta si cumparata in moduri extrem de naucitoare, dar rezultatele sunt indentice de fiecare data: marasm , coruptie , saracie. e o atitudine care are implicatii economice politice si sociale profunde.
Pozitia mea este de fapt mai nuantata. Aici vroiam sa subliniez ca succesul unui artist nu depinde de fondurile alocate de stat. Eu cred de fapt intr-un model mixt in care statul isi asuma un rol moderat incluzand de ex. protejarea patrimoniului (colaborand insa cu fundatii private)
multumesc pentru comentariu!
"Private interests should articulate the arts." I have serious doubts about that.
I think (after checking out your link) that you come/support [from] the opposite end of the question. thank you for your comment
nu exista pozitii nuantate,care conteaza de fapt. in cazul asta nu puteam vorbi de struto-camile. asa cum nu exista o economie mixta ( un mit nascut din ignoranta). nu avem nevoie de stat si de hoarda de paraziti care incearca sa se justifice pe spinarea celor care produc. orice initiativa culturala trebuie lasata pe seama comunitatii locale si pe cat posibil cu o implicare minima din partea autoritatilor. doar asa actul cultural are sens si vitalitate. exemplu editarea unur opere literare romanesti si straine de catre trusturile de presa privata. eu cred ca a avut cel mai mare impact pozitiv, mai mult de cat orice a irosit statul pe cultura in ultimii ani.
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